Not All Agents are Working for Their Clients

Vendors think that because they’re paying a hefty commission to the real estate agent they engage to sell their property; he or she will work hard to get the best possible price, in order to get the best possible commission.

Seems logical enough and by rights, is a fairly accurate assumption.

But what if your agent is a little sloppy?

What if they’re happy with an okay commission and another run on the board, instead of achieving the optimum result for you?

It’s not uncommon for real estate agents to put pressure on vendors and even ‘condition’ them, in order to make a sale.

Initially, they’ll tell you what you want to hear.

You know…your home is worth $XXX.

In a slower moving buyer’s market in particular, this can mean being talked into signing a deal that represents less than what your property is actually worth.

Then there are agents who will let a vendor think they can achieve a higher price than is possible, just to get another listing on their books.

Not All Agents are Working for Their Clients
Things to ask your Advocate

What are your qualifications?
How much experience have you had working in the local area?
Can you provide referrals from past clients?
Are you a licensed real estate agent?
What type of knowledge and working relationship do you have with local real estate agents?
What are your fees, how are they determined and what do I get for my money?
Are you appropriately experienced in negotiating property transactions?
Selling an asset – be it your home or property investment – can be just as critical to your success in the real estate game as the act of buying one.

For this reason, perhaps it’s worthwhile to explore the services vendor’s advocates offer and think about how they might ease some of the stress, next time you enter the market as a seller

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